Exciting news! Our ongoing project is making rapid strides forward. Stay tuned for more updates on this dynamic endeavor!

Where Modern living meets comfort and style.

The inner view of our 2 bedroom block of flat

Build Your Dreams with EDSA Universal Construction – Excellence in Construction, Every Step of the Way!

We believe in the power of transformation!

We don’t just build, we give you the best of modern houses that even after years, it will still be the best.

Exquisite Home with Impeccable Finishing

Welcome to your picture-perfect haven! Step into a world of unmatched beauty and flawless craftsmanship in this remarkable home with impeccable finishing. Every detail has been carefully curated to create…

Experience the EDSA Difference!

Choose Edsa Universal Construction as your engineering partner and experience a difference that sets us apart. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and clients-centric approach, we redefine…

Although still under construction, this remarkable project promises to be a masterpiece of modern design and sophistication.

In addition to building new homes, we also offer renovation and remodelling services for those looking to update and upgrade their existing homes.

So why wait? Start building the home of your dreams today! Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about our custom home building services.